Our Experts

World-leading expertise

Our online courses are taught by Nature Portfolio journal editors, and academic and professional experts

Our experts offer real insights and practical techniques to help researchers achieve career and research goals.

Advancing Your Scientific Presentations

Our Advancing Your Scientific Presentations course has been developed with an expert panel of international academics and professionals..

Michael Alley

Teaching Professor of Engineering Communications, Penn State

Shohini Ghose

Professor of Physics and Computer Science, Wilfrid Laurier University

Nolan Haims

Principal, Nolan Haims Creative

Magdalena Skipper

Editor in Chief, Nature
and Chief Editorial Advisor, Nature Portfolio

Michael White

Senior Editor, Nature

Collaboration courses

Our Introduction to Collaboration, Participating in a Collaboration and Leading a Collaboration courses have been developed with an expert panel of international academics and professionals.

Tulika Bose

Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Luke Fleet

Senior Editor and Team Leader, Nature, Springer Nature

Mark Hahnel

Founder, Figshare

W. John Kao

Chair Professor of Translational Medical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong


Pep Pàmies

Chief Editor, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Springer Nature

Paola Quattroni

Research Funding Manager (Data), Cancer Research UK


Kathrin Zippel

Professor of Sociology, Northeastern University

Data Analysis courses

Our Data Analysis: Planning and Preparing and Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting courses have been developed with a panel of experts with a wide range of experience in data analysis.

Mark Gardener

Ecologist, lecturer and author, DataAnalytics.org.uk

João Monteiro

Chief Editor, Nature Medicine

Bhramar Mukherjee

Professor and Chair of Biostatistics, University of Michigan

Xavier Vilasis-Cardona

Professor and Director of Doctoral Studies, Universitat Ramon Llull

Bronwyn Wake

Chief Editor, Nature Climate Change

Effective Science Communication

Our Effective Science Communication course has been developed with a panel of experts in communicating scientific research to non-experts.

Laura Helmuth

Editor-in-Chief, Scientific American

Alok Jha

Science and technology editor, The Economist

Suze Kundu

Director of Researcher and Community Engagement, Digital Science

Experiments: From Idea to Design

Our Experiments: From Idea to Design course has been developed with a panel of experts in experimental design.

Massimiliano Di Ventra

Professor of Physics, University of California, San Diego

Allison Doerr

Chief Editor, Nature Methods

Oliver Graydon

Chief Editor, Nature Photonics

Liu Bin

Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Senior Vice Provost (Faculty and Institutional Development), National University of Singapore (NUS)

Ülo Niinemets

Professor of Plant Physiology and Head of the Chair, Estonian University of Life Sciences

Finding Funding Opportunities

Our Finding Funding Opportunities course has been developed in collaboration with international academics, a research management consultant and a former funding body Program Director.

Riana Coetsee

Research Management and Training Consultant, South Africa

Richard McCourt

Professor and Curator, Drexel University

Eriko Takano

Professor of Synthetic Biology, University of Manchester

Focus on Peer Review

In our free-to-access Focus on Peer Review course, a panel of experienced researchers and Nature Research journal editors teach the foundations of good peer review.

Federico Levi

Senior Editor, Nature Physics

Alicia Newton

Former Senior Editor, Nature Geoscience

Natasha Bray

Associate Editor, Nature Reviews Neuroscience

David Rueda

Professor and Chair of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Imperial College London

Bart Verberck

Regional Executive Editor, Springer Nature

George Booth

Royal Society University Research Fellow, King’s College London

Darren Burgess

Senior Editor, Nature Reviews Genetics

Elisa De Ranieri

Editor in Chief, Nature Communications

Katharine Barnes

Managing Editor, Nature Protocols

Elizabeth Moylan

Former Senior Editor, Peer Review Strategy and Innovation, Springer Nature

Andrea Aguilar

Publishing Manager, Researcher Training, Springer Nature

Kyle Legate

Team Manager and Senior Editor, Nature Communications

Getting an Academic Research Position

Our Getting an Academic Research Position course has been developed with a panel of experts in researcher career development.

Hanah Margalit

Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

David Payne

Managing Editor, Careers & Supplements, Nature

Gaynor Roberts

Head of Continuing Professional Development, Springer Nature

Liane Siu Slaughter

Career and Communication Coach, Clear Water Science Consulting

Laura Stark

Director of Graduate Career Services, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University

Interpreting Scientific Results

Our Interpreting Scientific Results course has been developed with a panel of experts with a wide range of experience in results interpretation.

Mark Gardener

Ecologist, lecturer and author, DataAnalytics.org.uk

Bhramar Mukherjee

Professor and Chair of Biostatistics, University of Michigan

Andrea Taroni

Chief Editor, Nature Physics

Managing Research Data to Unlock its Full Potential

A panel of experts from a variety of disciplines contributed to our new Managing Research Data to Unlock its Full Potential course.

Grace Baynes

VP, Research Data and New Product Development, Research Solutions, Springer Nature

Helena Cousijn

Community Engagement Director, DataCite

Rebecca Grant

Research Data Manager, Research Solutions, Springer Nature

Varsha Khodiyar

Data Curation Manager, Research Solutions, Springer Nature

Paola Quattroni

Alliance Delivery Manager, Health Data Research UK (HDR UK)

Susanna-Assunta Sansone

Associate Director, Oxford e-Research Centre and Associate Professor, University of Oxford

Narrative Tools for Researchers

Our Narrative Tools for Researchers course has insight and advice from a panel of experts in academia and publishing.

Michael Dahlstrom

LAS Dean's Professor and Director, Greenlee School of Journalism, Iowa State University

Nick Enfield

Professor of Linguistics, University of Sydney

Pep Pàmies

Chief Editor, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Springer Nature

Helen Pearson

Chief Magazine Editor, Nature, Springer Nature

Networking for Researchers

Our Networking for Researchers course has been developed in collaboration with international academics, professional career consultants, and experts from the Nature Publishing Group.

Sarah Blackford

Independent Career Consultant and Honorary Teaching Fellow, Lancaster University

Ben Johnson

Head of Communities & Engagement and Magazine Editor, Nature Medicine

Tanya Menon

Professor of Management & Human Resources, Fisher School of Business, Ohio State University

David Payne

Managing Editor, Careers & Supplements, Nature

Despina Sanoudou

Associate Professor, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Persuasive Grant Writing

Our Persuasive Grant Writing course has been developed in collaboration with international academics, professional editors and former funding body employees.

Kylie Ball

Alfred Deakin Professor, Deakin University

Founder and Director, Indago Academy 

Michael Dahlstrom

LAS Dean's Professor and Director, Greenlee School of Journalism, Iowa State University

Peter Gorsuch

Chief Editor and Product Manager, Nature Research Editing Service, Springer Nature

Richard McCourt

Professor and Curator, Drexel University

Julienne Stroeve

Professor and Canada 150 Chair, University of Manitoba

Publishing a Research Paper

In our Publishing a Research Paper course, a panel of Nature Portfolio journal editors offer real insight into how to publish in top journals.

Euan Adie

Founder, Altmetric

Gemma Alderton

Former Senior Editor, Nature Reviews Cancer

Natascha Bushati

Team Manager and Senior Editor, Nature Communications

Elsa Couderc

Senior Editor, Nature Energy

Kevin Da Silva

Chief Editor, Nature Neuroscience

Elisa De Ranieri

Editor in Chief, Nature Communications

Ritu Dhand

Nature Editorial Director, Springer Nature

Luke Fleet

Senior Editor, Nature

Ed Gerstner

VP Publishing, Nature Research Open Access, Springer Nature

Peter Gorsuch

Chief Editor, Nature Research Editing Service

Irene Jarchum

Associate Editor, Nature Biotechnology

Federico Levi

Senior Editor, Nature Physics

Leonie Mueck

Former Senior Editor Physical Sciences, Nature

Tal Nawy

Associate Editor, Nature Methods

John Plummer

Senior Portfolio Editor, Open Research Group, Springer Nature

Catherine Potenski

Senior Editor, Nature Genetics

Anke Sparmann

Senior Editor, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology

Bart Verberck

Regional Executive Editor, Springer Nature

Alexia-Ileana Zaromytidou

Chief Editor, Nature Cell Biology

Karl Ziemelis

Chief Physical Sciences Editor, Nature

Writing a Research Paper

In our Writing a Research Paper course, a panel of Nature Portfolio journal editors offer real insight into how to publish in top journals.

Gemma Alderton

Former Senior Editor, Nature Reviews Cancer

Tanguy Chouard

Senior Editor Biology, Nature

Elisa De Ranieri

Editor in Chief, Nature Communications

Nicky Dean

Chief Editor, Nature Energy

Zoltan Fehervari

Senior Editor, Nature Immunology

Iulia Georgescu

Chief Editor, Nature Reviews Physics

Peter Gorsuch

Chief Editor, Nature Research Editing Service

Patrick Goymer

Chief Editor, Nature Ecology & Evolution

Irene Jarchum

Associate Editor, Nature Biotechnology

Andrew Hufton

Chief Editor, Scientific Data

Federico Levi

Senior Editor, Nature Physics

Leonie Mueck

Former Senior Editor Physical Sciences, Nature

Sadaf Shadan

Biological Sciences Team Manager and Senior Editor, Nature

Anke Sparmann

Senior Editor, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology

Chris Surridge

Chief Editor, Nature Plants

Liesbeth Venema

Chief Editor, Nature Machine Intelligence

Bart Verberck

Regional Executive Editor, Springer Nature

Alexia-Ileana Zaromytidou

Chief Editor, Nature Cell Biology

Writing and Publishing a Review Paper

In our Writing and Publishing a Review Paper course, a panel of Nature Portfolio journal editors offer real insight into how to publish in top journals.

Adam Brotchie

Former Associate Editor, Nature Reviews Materials

Darren Burgess

Senior Editor, Nature Reviews Genetics

Liesbet Lieben

Senior Editor, Nature Reviews Disease Primers

Cláudio Nunes-Alves

Senior Editor, Nature Microbiology

Sarah Seton-Rogers

Chief Editor, Nature Reviews Cancer

Workshops and webinars

In our Scientific Writing and Publishing workshops, Nature Research journal editors offer first-hand insight into how to publish.

Researchers have a unique opportunity to interact with the editors and ask questions.

The editors are also matched as closely as possible to the subject area of the researchers taking part.

OE Hero Masterclass Experts
Michael Alley
Shohini Ghose
Nolan Haims
Magdalena Skipper
Michael White
Tulika Bose
Luke Fleet
Mark Hahnel
W John Kao
Pep Pàmies
Paola Quattroni
Kathrin Zippel
Mark Gardener
João Monteiro
Bhramar Mukherjee
Xavier Vilasis-Cardona
Bronwyn Wake
Laura Helmuth
Alok Jha
Suze Kundu
Massimiliano Di Ventra
Allison Doerr
Oliver Graydon
Liu Bin
Ülo Niinemets
Riana Coetsee
Richard McCourt
Eriko Takano
Federico Levi
Alicia Newton
Natasha Bray
David Rueda
Bart Veberck
George Booth
Darren Burgess
Elisa De Ranieri
Katharine Barnes
Elizabeth Moylan
Andrea Aguilar
Kyle Legate
Hanah Margalit
David Payne
Gaynor Roberts
Liane Siu Slaughter
Laura Stark
Andrea Taroni
Grace Baynes
Helena Cousijn
Rebecca Grant
Varsha Khodiyar
Susanna-Assunta Sansone
Michael Dahlstrom
Nick Enfield
Pep Pamies
Helen Pearson
Sarah Blackford
Ben Johnson
Tanya Menon
Despina Sanoudou
Kylie Ball
Peter Gorsuch
Julienne Stroeve
Euan adie
Gemma Alderton
Natascha Bushati
Elsa Couderc
Kevin Da Silva
Ritu Dhand
Ed Gerstner
Irene Jarchum
Leonie Mueck
Tal Nawy
John Plummer
Catherine Potenski
Anke Sparmann
Alexia Zaromytidou
Karl Ziemelis
Tanguy Chouard
Nicky Dean
Zoltan Fehervari
Iulia Georgescu
Patrick Goymer
Andrew Hufton
Sadaf Shadan
Chris Surridge
Liesbeth Venema
Adam Brotchie
Liesben Lieben
Claudio Nunes Alves
Sarah Seton-Rogers
Live editor-led workshops/© PeopleImages / iStock
Workshops delivered by Nature Research journal editors