Participating in a collaboration

Participating in a Collaboration

For researchers in the natural sciences who wish to participate in collaborative projects

16 experts in collaboration, including researchers, funders, editors and professionals

5 hours of learning

15-minute bite-sized lessons

1-module course with certificate

About this course

‘Participating in a Collaboration’ focuses on how to ensure you make a meaningful contribution when you join a collaborative project. The course will help to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to become an effective and valuable member of the team. This course is particularly suited to researchers who have little or no experience in working collaboratively.

What you’ll learn

  • Strategies for working in a new research team
  • Key collaborative skills such as dividing tasks, managing your time, and communicating efficiently
  • Tools to help you collaborate
  • How to plan to maximise the skills, ideas and contacts you’ll gain from collaborating
  • How to overcome possible roadblocks when participating in collaborative projects

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Participating in a Collaboration

8 lessons 5h

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2 lessons 40m

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  • Keeping the project on track
  • Working in a new research team
  • Tools to collaborate
  • Leveraging your collaborative experience
  • Troubleshooting tips for new collaborators

Developed with expert academics and professionals

This course has been created with an international team of experts with a wide range of experience, including:

  • Interdisciplinary and international collaborations
  • Publications resulting from collaborative research
  • The sociology of collaboration
  • Collaborative tools
  • Science communication
  • Funding opportunities for collaborative efforts
  • Institutional support for research collaboration

Tulika Bose

Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Luke Fleet

Senior Editor, Nature

Mark Hahnel

Founder, Figshare

W. John Kao

Chair Professor of Translational Medical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong


Pep Pàmies

Chief Editor, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Springer Nature

Paola Quattroni

Research Funding Manager (Data), Cancer Research UK


Kathrin Zippel

Professor of Sociology, Northeastern University

Advice from experienced collaborators

The course also has additional insights through interviews from:

Louise Ashton

Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

J. Michael Cherry

Professor of Genetics, Stanford University

Adriane Esquivel Muelbert

Research Fellow, University of Birmingham

John Hammersley

Co-founder and CEO, Overleaf

Brian Nosek

Executive Director, The Center for Open Science

George Pankiewicz

Unified Model Partnerships Manager, Met Office

Doris Schroeder

Director of Centre for Professional Ethics, UCLan School of Sport and Health Sciences

Malcolm Skingle

Director, Academic Liaison, GlaxoSmithKline

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Participating in a collaboration