Case Studies

The Faraday Institution

Case study: Virtual workshop

How the Faraday Institution pioneered Nature Masterclasses virtual workshop training during ‘the new normal’.

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Case study: Workshop

DTU hosted a 2-day Nature Masterclasses workshop, led by João Duarte, Senior Editor of Nature Biomedical Engineering, and Ross Cloney, Senior Editor of Nature Communications.

International Livestock Research Institute

Case study: On-demand course

The International Livestock Research Institute subscribed to the online course in Scientific Writing and Publishing to support their global cohort of researchers

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

Case study: Workshop and on-demand course

As well as subscribing to a Nature Masterclasses online course, UGM hosted a 2-day Nature Masterclasses workshop, led by Dr Louise Adams, Senior Editor of Nature Reviews Disease Primers, and Dr Kyle Legate, Senior Editor of Nature Communications

Chitkara University

Case study: On-demand course

Upon subscribing, Chitkara University decided to make the course mandatory for their postgraduate students.

The Faraday Institution logo
DTU case study of a Nature Masterclasses workshop
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) case study with Nature Masterclasses
Chitkara University case study of Nature Masterclasses online training