Nature Masterclasses On-demand Platform

Professional training courses for researchers

Nature Masterclasses provides professional development training for researchers by drawing on the expertise of Nature Portfolio journal editors and experts. A subscription provides access to our entire platform, enabling researchers to access all of our high-quality online training courses and resources on demand. Equip your researchers with the techniques and strategies to develop their skills, confidence and careers.

Subscribe to our online courses - request a quote for your institution, department or lab.


World-class training

Delivered by Nature Portfolio journal editors, experienced researchers, funders and professionals. Our Experts

Designed to engage

Online videos, learning activities and workshops offering one-to-one interaction with experts.


Researchers benefit from our extensive market research and investment in new content and capabilities, providing instant access to all new and existing courses.


Researchers can select the courses and individual modules they are interested in and for the right stage in their career.


Researchers can decide when and where they learn, at a time that's convenient for them.


Courses contain bite-size lessons and provide an accessible, dip in and out format for busy researchers, allowing them to select what they want to learn.

Training across the research cycle and beyond

We support researchers throughout their research and their careers...

Nature Masterclasses research cycle

We are working to update and add new courses and webinars to our current portfolio. Find out more about what’s ahead — Coming soon to Nature Masterclasses on-demand.


Laboratory subscription

  • Up to 15 researchers
  • 12 months’ access
  • Usage reports showing researcher uptake
  • Discounts for multi-year

Price: Request a quote

Departmental subscription

  • Up to 50 researchers
  • 12 months’ access
  • Usage reports showing researcher uptake
  • Promotional resources
  • Discounts for multi-year

Price: Request a quote

Institutional subscription

  • Institution-wide access
  • 12 months’ access
  • Usage reports showing researcher uptake
  • Launch presentation
  • Promotional resources
  • Discounts for multi-year

Price: Request a quote


How Nature Masterclasses on-demand training benefits researchers

Featured courses

Maximising the Impact of Your Paper

Effectively promote your paper and measure and track its impact

new edition
Writing a Research Paper: 2nd Edition

Learn the detailed processes of writing a research paper

Persuasive Grant Writing

Discover narrative tools and how you can use them to write convincing grant applications

Researchers gain access to our existing courses with over 110 hours of learning, and all new courses on release.

Workshops in scientific writing and publishing
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LP Engage Icon (1)
LP Engage Icon (2)
LP Personalised Icon
LP Flexible Icon
LP Bitesize Icon
Lab subscriptions to Nature Masterclasses
Departmental subscriptions to Nature Masterclasses
Institutional subscriptions to Nature Masterclasses
Maximising the impact of your paper/© SDI Productions via Getty Images
miniseries via Getty Images/© miniseries via Getty Images
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