Research Data for Publishing Success

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Key features

Supports researchers with strategies to effectively manage and share their research data

Includes a workbook with keypoints, activities to reinforce the content, and additional online resources

Interactive workshop where the trainer stimulates engagement and discussion with the attendees


1-day live workshop delivered by an expert trainer

Auditorium or classroom style

Available in-person or virtually


Up to 250 early-career researchers

Can be broad-focused or tailored to one of five research areas: life sciences, physical sciences & engineering, Earth & environmental sciences, clinical medicine, or social sciences

Masterclass in Research Data for Publishing Success

Quantitative and qualitative data are the foundation of any research study and associated article, and necessary to support the study’s conclusions and implications. Furthermore, journals now have strict editorial policies regarding data sharing, to improve transparency and reproducibility. This 1-day workshop provides best practices in data management, storage and sharing, to help researchers improve the impact of their articles. Nature Masterclasses workshops are available in-person and virtually.

Research Data for Publishing Success workshop - led by experts

This virtual workshop consists of three modules, which can be scheduled for the days and times that suit your researchers best.

Module 1: Research Data and Your Journal

  • This module discusses research data from the perspective of journals, editors and peer reviewers. Participants will learn to identify the features and requirements of research data policies, and repositories are introduced as an option for data sharing.

Module 2: Research Data and Your Manuscript

  • This module introduces the practical measures authors should take to ensure that they share data appropriately with journal editors, peer reviewers and future readers. Guidance and best practice tips are given on how to write excellent data availability statements and data citations.

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Module 3: Research Data and Your Published Paper

  • Participants will learn about the final steps which are needed to share their research data after manuscript acceptance. Methods for data dissemination and promotion after publication will be outlined, as well as the advantages for authors who choose to share their data openly.

It was a good workshop with useful contents for academic people like students and researchers. This workshop helped me to cater the advanced methods of data storage and sharing.

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Research Data for Publishing Success
Nature Masterclasses Expert Trainer-led workshops
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