Recommend us to your institution, department or lab


If you don't currently have access to our online courses, workshops, or webinars, recommend us to someone at your institution using the form below.

* denotes mandatory fields

In the box below, please write a short message for your institution. Be sure to include:

  • Whether you’re recommending one of our online courses, our workshops or webinars, and the reason for your recommendation.
  • Your name, email address, and department.

Recipient of your recommendation

Please enter details for your Research Office, librarian, professor, PI – whomever you wish to receive the recommendation. Please do not enter your own details.

We collect and use your personal data to facilitate your request. We won’t contact you for anything unrelated to this request. Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy Page (see the link in the footer of this page).

By submitting this form, you give permission for your recommendation to be forwarded to your institution and for Nature Masterclasses to contact your institution.