Focus on Peer Review: Our experts

Delivered by experienced researchers and editors

Our Focus on Peer Review course is delivered by 11 journal editors from Nature Research, as well as experienced peer reviewers from King’s College London and Imperial College London.

Discover more by clicking on the profiles below.

Bart Verberck

Regional Executive Editor, Springer Nature

Elisa De Ranieri

Editor in Chief, Nature Communications

Federico Levi

Senior Editor, Nature Physics

Darren Burgess

Senior Editor, Nature Reviews Genetics

George Booth

Royal Society University Research Fellow, King’s College London

Katharine Barnes

Managing Editor, Nature Protocols

Elizabeth Moylan

Former Senior Editor, Peer Review Strategy and Innovation, Springer Nature

Alicia Newton

Former Senior Editor, Nature Geoscience

Andrea Aguilar

Publishing Manager, Researcher Training, Springer Nature

David Rueda

Professor and Chair of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Imperial College London

Natasha Bray

Associate Editor, Nature Reviews Neuroscience

Kyle Legate

Team Manager and Senior Editor, Nature Communications

Online course on peer review/© fotostorm via Getty Images
Bart Veberck
Elisa De Ranieri
Federico Levi
Darren Burgess
George Booth
Katharine Barnes
Elizabeth Moylan
Alicia Newton
Andrea Aguilar
David Rueda
Natasha Bray
Kyle Legate