
Three sessions virtual


Day 1 - Webinar 1: Focus on Scientific Writing (2.5 hours)

Welcome and introductions

What Makes a Great Paper? – 30 mins
Examples of what top tier journal editors look for in a manuscript


Practical Exercise 1: You’re the Editor! – 15 mins


Titles and Abstracts – 30 mins
How to create a brief and engaging title and abstract for your paper


Practical Exercise 2: Writing a Title – 15 mins

Final Q&A

End of day 1

Day 2 - Webinar 2: Focus on Scientific Publishing (2.5 hours)

Welcome and Introductions

The Editorial Process and Peer Review – 30 mins 

An overview of editorial processes at top tier journals and of peer review, tips on writing rebuttal letters when responding to reviewers’ comments, and how to be a good peer reviewer


Practical Exercise 1: Assessing Referee Reports – 10 mins


Journal Decisions – 30 mins
A guide through the editorial process post peer review, what happens after a paper is accepted, as well as how to deal with rejection


Practical Exercise 2: Best Practice in Scientific Publishing – 15 mins

Final Q&A

End of day 2

Day 3 - Abstract Review Session (Up to 2.5 hours)
A 10-minute, one-on-one session for each participant with a Nature Portfolio journal editor, at a fixed time during the pre-scheduled Abstract Review session. In the session, the editor will provide participants with personalized advice on how to structure abstracts and improve their scientific writing.

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